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On occluded lens flares

It's still not 'full' testing (e.g., actually computing how much of the flare is occluded), because that would be too expensive.
So I was reading this and it got me thinking. Lens flare is just light refracting on camera lenses, right? So it should solely depend on one thing: how the sun is occluded from your viewpoint. Which is already computed, since you have to draw the sun and the occluding object anyway.
Wouldn't it be as simple as one or two matrices or image manipulating steps to create a believable lens flare?

Re: On occluded lens flares

It's not quite so simple: you can either draw a non-occluded flare with pre-computed bloom effects (like mine), which yields higher-quality flare, or you can draw an occluded flare and then use post-processing to get bloom effects, which yields lower-quality flare, and more expensive, but correct occlusion.

IMO the correct occlusion is not worth the price of lower quality and more GPU time :)
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ~ Henry Ford

Re: On occluded lens flares

(First of all, wow, Josh himself has replied :squirrel:)

I guess that makes sense, when you have bloom it's not as simple as not displaying half of the lens flare.
I've recently recently got into a bit of graphics programming (I should be working with OpenCL day and night, but hey, it's just one letter difference) and the amount of tricks used always amazes me. I almost feel cheated by all those video games :)

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