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Re: Limit Theory Fan Contest - Discussion

"Great" minds think alike, I suppose. :ghost:

Code: Select all

Jan 27 23:39:44 <Hema>	Break a fortune cookie for Zorathex
Jan 27 23:39:47 <Taiya>	The fortune cookie says: You have unusual equipment for success. Use it properly.
Jan 27 23:39:55 <narwhalz0111>	…
Jan 27 23:39:58 <narwhalz0111>	!lenny ?
Jan 27 23:39:59 <Saoirse>	( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 27 23:40:00 <Hema>	!lenny
Jan 27 23:40:01 <Saoirse>	( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 27 23:40:05 <Hema>	XD
Jan 27 23:40:05 <narwhalz0111>	ha! :V
Jan 27 23:40:16 *	Zorathex cleans his Barrett M107
Jan 27 23:40:32 <narwhalz0111>	so that's what the kids are calling it these days
Jan 27 23:40:32 <Hema>	Is that what they're calling it these days?
Jan 27 23:40:35 <narwhalz0111>	HA!
Jan 27 23:40:35 <Hema>	XD
Jan 27 23:40:36 <narwhalz0111>	:V
Jan 27 23:40:37 <Zorathex>	XD
Jan 27 23:40:57 <Hema>	That was great! XD
Jan 27 23:41:04 <narwhalz0111>	:D


Thanks to FormalMoss requesting it: the IRC monitor now provides the last 50 lines of stuff said.
Thanks to Hyperion requesting it: the IRC people can now scramble their messages, or scramble the entire IRC's messages (if they are logged in) for 5 minutes at a time.
WebGL Spaceships and Trails
<Cuisinart8> apparently without the demon driving him around Silver has the intelligence of a botched lobotomy patient ~ Mar 04 2020
console.log(`What's all ${this} ${}`);


Dinosawer wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:23 am
Saoirse already did that log thing, ya know :p
Also, she'll probably be offline today and occasionally this week, they're working on the internet cables in our street
Yeah, I know. Goatbot only does it because I wanted to make use of that paper CSS. :V
My option is prettier than your's after all. :ghost:

EDIT:: Now the irc page scrolls! Mousewheel your way through random junk irc stuff!

EDIT:: More edits! Now you can ask for multiple lines, from 0 to 500; or
(or any other n you want)
WebGL Spaceships and Trails
<Cuisinart8> apparently without the demon driving him around Silver has the intelligence of a botched lobotomy patient ~ Mar 04 2020
console.log(`What's all ${this} ${}`);



Code: Select all

<Bele> I am home
<Bele> I am drunk as fug
<Bele> AMA
<narwhalz0111> What is a fug and how drunk is it?
<Bele> I brought a 96% bottle of spirits to the party
<Bele> it is now at 1/4
<Bele> I drank maybe half of that
<Bele> good times
<narwhalz0111> so
<narwhalz0111> quite drunk then :V
<Bele> very
<Bele> tomorrow isbeing eterbiel
<narwhalz0111> I'd ask what "eterbiel" meant if I expected a coherent answer :V
<Bele> terrible
<narwhalz0111> oh
* Bele sets mode +r on #limittheory
<Bele> I 
<Bele> uh
<Bele> what
<Bele> that was meant to be a aht
<Bele> I guess gaemsurge doesn't aht
<narwhalz0111> uh huh? V:
<Bele> it doesn't
<Bele> h
* Bele removes voice from narwhalz0111
* Bele gives voice to narwhalz0111
<Bele> see whta wark
<EmpressLexi> Bele: What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
<Bele> EmpressLexi I generally  go for uh sweet ones
<narwhalz0111> please don't moderate drunk
<EmpressLexi> Good man
<EmpressLexi> same
<Bele> but seriousy spityysu might be mightnew favorite
<cuisinart8> same here
<narwhalz0111> it frightens me V:
<Bele> narwhalz0111is k
<Bele> tal is the man now
<cuisinart8> "spityysu"
<Bele>  and tomorrow i will be less durnk
* Talvieno is man
<EmpressLexi> Bele: List all the people in IRC you'd sleep with
<Talvieno> drunkbele
<Bele>  ihonstely type liek hjalf of thes with my eyes closed
<cuisinart8> XD
<Talvieno> xD
<Bele> I hvaen't looked at the chat for the last liek 2 minutes
<IronDuke> XD
<Bele> alls fine
<Bele> sllee p now would bne good
<Talvieno> drunkbele is hilarious
<EmpressLexi> Can we keep Drunkbele instead of normal bele
<Bele> i may or may not have reconnected with a girl I haven't met in 18 years
<IronDuke> just goes to show the accuracy of Taiya's drunk algo ;)
<Bele> did I raeldu sau thjat
<Bele> I donlt know
<Bele> good times iether way
<cuisinart8> eyyyy nice, drunkbele
<Bele> it ius right
<Talvieno> drunkbele forever \o/
<Saoirse> \o/
<Bele> ecxpet 118 years means we met last time in kindergarten
<Bele> still
<Bele> good time
<cuisinart8> XD
<Bele> sbniw i just have to coneact her again at somepojtn
<Bele> when im less durn
<Bele> cuisinart8: this is a rara apeparnce
<Talvieno> maybe she likes drunkbele better than normalbele
<Bele> Talvieno: doubtfuyl
<Bele> but psosivle
<Talvieno> you can woo her, but you need to be drunkbele
<Bele> she might like durnk bele more in eporsn
<Bele> durnk pele is a lot more sociable
<Talvieno> like superman, it's your secret identity
<Hema> Rekt wiki Gene
<Bele> over he internet drunk beel cant be arsed to sepll check
<Talvieno> noooooobody knows that drunkbele is actually regular old bele
<Bele> hgi tal
<cuisinart8> except instead of taking off his glasses, he takes off his language abilities :3
<Talvieno> :D
<Bele> ui wodner if shoudkhavespentmore of tday wooding ar
<Talvieno> I need to work on taiya's algo
<Talvieno> I had it written to imitate magus
<Bele> tal wyud vbe the second bot bsaedo nme
<Talvieno> bele kicks it up a notch
<Bele> im the oincablde of human
<Talvieno> xD
<Bele> you have nodiea how clsle I am to alcohol poisoing
<Talvieno> ookay, you should probably not drink any more :V
<Bele> and if I really try I can actually type completely fine sentances
<Bele> yeah no I'm not drunking anymore
<Bele> I'm home now
<Talvieno> good :V
<Bele> just sitting down in  front ym comepteuru before goingto slepp
<Bele> ahve a sa mpelt do of noy hand eye corodinatooin and no editing
<Bele> thi s is  indeed how mno filter bele sdurnk speks
<Bele> or atle ast types
<Bele> drunk bele trpes mostly as bdurnk bele tjoings
<Bele> its a juumble
<Bele> and somethiimes over pople
<Bele> mostlye opber people
<Bele> drunmk pee
<Bele>  dowesnrst shut u
<Bele> i no longre hanvem yeyes open
<Bele> which is why its all a mess
<Bele> it slioe kahjvblf poast 5
<narwhalz0111> >almost perfect
<narwhalz0111> :D
<Bele> i stardeet dirnekinga ta8
<Bele> i negvers toipped
<Bele> uh
<Bele> 8
<Bele> 29,.090
<Bele> no idea whatnumer i usttypes
<Bele> still notlookins
<Bele> eyse gheavy
<Bele> g0000d t9ems
<Talvieno> lol
<Talvieno> go sleep bele
<Talvieno> and drink lots of water
<Bele> water uis for people who dont desrve hagnover
<Talvieno> yes, and you're one of those people :V
<Bele> i tortes to
<Bele> mostly ill behungover mid mornig
<Bele> and ill slepp through
<Bele> t
<Bele> i beer pomnged
<Bele> but wiht
<Bele> 96% vodke
<Bele> in a m9t of soda
<Bele> we own
<Bele> won even
<Bele> ow nadnwon 
<Bele> sameleters
<Bele> im porives
<Bele> man i can't reallt make msense fthhat nothing wathingwati meant
<Hema> Break a fortune cookie for Bele
<Taiya> The fortune cookie says: The past is dead, and dies the cruelest death of all.
<Bele> j mehaj
<Bele> updise
<Bele> cam miay be single
<Bele> downsign
<Bele> cam maybesingle mother
<Bele> facebook stalkign  nclocnlsuvei so far
<Talvieno> ooh
<Bele> wil lleave  mo tolater
<Talvieno> single mother is a mixed bag
<Talvieno> proceed with caution
<cuisinart8> a) has a kid
<cuisinart8> b) someone liked them enough to have a kid
<cuisinart8> !shrug
<Saoirse> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Bele> also a pstychology major
<Talvieno> ah, thing is, cui, the options are
<Talvieno> either A. someone ditched her
<Bele> whic lkead to total,y engaign dicssuio js
<Talvieno> or B. she ditched someone
<Talvieno> either could be good... or bad
<cuisinart8> true
<Bele> kay more elqouent htan me rightnow
<Bele> for real and noty just trdunk me tiems
<Talvieno> depending on whether they ditched her because she was bad... or she ditched them because she's not loyal...
<Talvieno> or whether it was their fault 
<Bele> because talky me has less seplling errors htan writing me
<Talvieno> so
<Hema> Taiya, last seen Narwhalz
<Taiya> I last saw Narwhalz 7 minutes ago: (:D)
<Bele> also all j have tobase that on ius one image with cam and a baby and commets aout being proud
<Bele> so hwo nbknws
<Talvieno> could be her niece or nephew
<Talvieno> if she didn't specifically claim it was hers and wasn't in a hospital gown
<Bele> ji mean
<Bele> n kn friend facebvook stalk
<Bele>  uinina,ö infor
<Talvieno> indeed
<Bele> asl odrunj
<Talvieno> uinina o infor
<Bele> minal minfo process capabvitliy
<Talvieno> just what I was about to say
<Bele> ikr
<Talvieno> well, you'll revisit it tomorow
<Talvieno> and
<Bele> maybe
<Talvieno> clearer mind, clearer ideas about the situation
<Bele> and?
<Talvieno> so I'd let it rest for now tbh
<Talvieno> she'll still be there tomorrow
<Bele> u neab yes
<Talvieno> unless she's not, in which case, you probably dodged a bullet
<Bele> vyt myt cu7roage wont
<Bele> liquid and all that
<Bele> stoll
<Bele> today a bad idea
<Bele> not last beacyese hes on a bus
<Talvieno> it's okay, we'll cheer you on
<Talvieno> peer pressure is essentially liquid courage in textual form
<Talvieno> or verbal :V if you have a life
<Bele> good styuff
<Talvieno> which most of us don't really
<Bele> actually first partyy uve veeb ti in ages
<Talvieno> or maybe we do, and I'm just the only one that doesn't
<Bele> my social life is pretty minaml
<Bele> which is why a female showing the least smidgen of interest has me improportionally intersted
<Bele> hi bear
<Bele> tthis is not bear channel
<Bele> disrgerade bear
<Talvieno> xD
<Talvieno> search quotes maid
<Taiya> <B​ele> !maid buttmaid, uh, no one saw nuthin ~~ added by Silverware on Oct 29 2015 (236)
<Bele> buttmaidi s actualyl same chhannel as bear
<Bele> Im tmostkyl only in two
<Bele> thgsi and maid
<IronDuke> I really really wanna copypaste this into the IRC thread on the forum
<Talvieno> lol :D would buttmaid be inappropriate for this channel
<Bele> y have my lvsesing ironduke
<Bele> bvuttmaid is mostly sfw
<Bele> someti mes toes the line
<Bele> she just builds responseds from retedermined snips oftect
<Talvieno> interesting.
<Bele> prettyd oid work for amicrc script
<Talvieno> I suppose it must be more sfw than defecating on someone's head
<Bele> yes
<Talvieno> or telling them they won the retard lottery
<Talvieno> orrrr saying "and shit?!"
<Bele> 04:50 < buttmaid> Buttmaid's next anime project: Corpse: Assassin Faeries
<Talvieno> lol
<Bele> based on anime titels
<Talvieno> ahhhh, I see
<Talvieno> yeah, that could be amusing
<Bele> 04:50 < buttmaid> Buttmaid's next light novel adaption: Don't Stop It! Are You
<Bele>                   Serious, The Student Council President!
<Bele> based oj a different set ofanime tuteles
<Bele> 04:52 < buttmaid> Fufufu~! Anno is an average robot belfrey witch with
<Bele>                   dreadlocked long hair under her horned hat!! She wears a
<Bele>                   bikini under her witch robe, is irrepressibly sarcastic and
<Bele>                   is the student council president! She always has her broom on
<Bele>                   hand.
<Talvieno> I think I remember you posting something like that at some point previously, actually
<Bele> yea
<Bele> when its fun enough
<Bele> i sometimes hsare
<Bele> ow i haven treallt looekd though it
<Talvieno> do you ever post stuff from here over there
<Bele> nnot really
<Bele> you lots arn't as fun
<Talvieno> aw, I guess we aren't as fun as them then
<Talvieno> lol, yeah :D
<Bele> msotly the bots arent s fun
<Talvieno> awww.
<Bele> tey dont do fun conetnt genration on demand
<Bele> 04:57 <%Anno> !animu with gentk
<Bele> 04:57 < buttmaid> Buttmaid's next light novel adaption: Now, I Can't Believe
<Bele>                   gentk Is Going To Disagree: Excess: Excess!
<Bele> 04:57 <%Anno> !animu with gentk
<Bele> 04:57 < buttmaid> Buttmaid's next light novel adaption: Now, I Can't Believe
<Bele>                   gentk Is Going To Disagree: Excess: Excess!
<Bele> see
<Bele> fun
* Bele waves at commi
<Bele> hji 
<Talvieno> :D
<Talvieno> yeah, I don't know enough about anime to code something like that
<Bele> I now fel likek
<Bele> I should stop brushign mey teeth and go tobed
<Bele> so
<Bele> good night
<cuisinart8> o/
<Bele> i'kk beaournd in3ö10 horus
<Bele> hersy
<Bele> godo time
<Talvieno> 'night, bele o/
<Talvieno> sleep well
Knowledge is Power, and Power goes in Cars.
I-War 2 thread
Epic Limit Theory Limerick


Spoiler:      SHOW
[23:33:46] * Hurracane ( has joined
[23:33:46] * ChanServ gives voice to Hurracane
[23:33:49] <nask> o/
[23:33:52] <task> o/
[23:33:50] <Hask> o/
[23:33:52] <cask> o/
[23:33:52] <Zask> o/
[23:33:52] <bask> o/
[23:34:07] <task> hey hurracane
[23:34:10] <nask> hey hurracane
[23:34:13] <cask> hey hurracane
[23:34:14] <Hask> hey hurracane
[23:34:15] <Zask> hey hurracane
[23:34:16] <bask> hey hurracane
[23:34:24] <dask> hey hurracane
[23:34:49] <Hurracane> -the hell
[23:34:54] <task> lol
[23:34:55] <nask> lol
[23:34:56] <Zask> lol
[23:34:57] <bask> lol
[23:34:57] <cask> lol
[23:34:58] <Hask> lol
[23:34:58] <dask> lol
[23:35:37] <Hurracane> You people have too much time on your hands making all these damn bots! :P
[23:35:46] <task> not bots :D people :D
[23:35:45] <cask> we're not bots
[23:35:49] <nask> we're not bots
[23:35:50] <Naed> Hurracane / they are not bots
[23:35:51] <dask> we're not bots
[23:35:54] <Zask> we're not bots
[23:35:54] <bask> we're not bots
[23:36:00] <Hask> we're not bots
[23:36:04] <task> Hurracane / they are idiots
[23:36:08] <task> we're not bots
[23:36:13] <cask> "they"
[23:36:15] <dask> I'm a bot
[23:36:16] <nask> "they"
[23:36:20] <bask> "they"
[23:36:21] <Naed> i wish i was not telling you the truth, but sadly, the users here are just absolute bakas
[23:36:22] <dask> "they"
[23:36:25] <Zask> "they"
[23:36:27] <task> I was imitating naed
[23:36:30] <Hask> "they"
[23:36:32] <dask> I was imitating naed
[23:36:35] <task> "they"
[23:36:37] <bask> I was imitating naed
[23:36:38] <Zask> I was imitating naed
[23:36:39] <Hask> I was imitating naed
[23:36:41] <cask> i was imitating naed
[23:36:43] <nask> I was imitating naed
[23:37:02] <Naed> mooooo
[23:37:13] <cask> mooooo
[23:37:15] <Zask> mooooo
[23:37:15] <dask> mooooo
[23:37:16] <bask> mooooo
[23:37:18] <Hask> mooooo
[23:37:19] <nask> mooooo
[23:37:27] <task> mooooo
[23:38:37] <dask> I was imitating naed
[23:38:57] <task> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:03] <Hask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:04] <Zask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:04] <dask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:05] <bask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:07] <nask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:15] <nask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:22] <cask> I was imitating naed
[23:39:23] <dask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:25] <Zask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:28] <task> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:27] <bask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:27] <Hask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:29] <cask> we can't say something twice, that's cheating
[23:39:33] <cask> He was just really late, you see.
[23:39:46] <cask> kinda like me
[23:39:50] <nask> kinda like me
[23:39:52] <bask> kinda like me
[23:39:58] <task> kinda like you
[23:39:57] <dask> kinda like me
[23:39:59] <Hask> kinda like me
[23:40:02] <Zask> kinda like me
[23:40:02] <dask> kinda like you
[23:40:05] <nask> kinda like you
[23:40:07] <bask> kinda like you
[23:40:08] <Hask> kinda like you
[23:40:13] <Zask> kinda like you
[23:40:15] <cask> kinda like you
[23:40:31] <dask> hey hurracane
[23:40:35] <Hask> XD
[23:40:37] <Hurracane> whois reveals it's just the usual wankers that live here. :)
[23:40:42] <task> xD
[23:40:43] <nask> XD
[23:40:44] <dask> XD
[23:40:44] <cask> XD
[23:40:46] <task> yes
[23:40:48] * You are now known as Talvieno
[23:40:48] <Zask> XD
[23:40:53] * Talvieno bows
[23:40:52] <bask> XD
[23:40:55] * Hask is now known as Hema
[23:40:57] <dask> yes
[23:41:02] * cask is now known as cuisinart8
[23:41:03] * Hema bows as well
[23:41:08] * nask is now known as narwhalz0111_
[23:41:11] * cuisinart8 curtsies
[23:41:13] * bask is now known as TotallyNotHuman
[23:41:18] * TotallyNotHuman bows in a mechanical fashion
[23:41:21] <Talvieno> that was ... more fun than I would have expected
[23:41:21] * narwhalz0111_ folds in half along the lateral axis
[23:41:23] * Zask is now known as Zorathex
[23:41:23] <Hurracane> You brightened up my morning, so thanks. :P
[23:41:28] * dask is now known as SleepingDuck
[23:41:32] * SleepingDuck goes to bed.
[23:41:32] <cuisinart8> :3
[23:41:40] <cuisinart8> night duck o/
[23:41:42] <SleepingDuck> \o
[23:41:44] <Talvieno> 'night, duke o/
[23:41:43] <SnuggleBunny> \o
[23:41:43] <narwhalz0111_> \o
[23:41:45] <Hema> o/
[23:41:47] <Talvieno> *duck
[23:41:48] <TotallyNotHuman> !lenny
[23:41:49] <Saoirse> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[23:41:51] <Talvieno> why did I say duke
[23:41:51] <Hema> Goodnight, Duck! o/
[23:41:57] <TotallyNotHuman> 'night duck o/
[23:42:01] <SleepingDuck> I was imitating naed
[23:42:05] <Talvieno> and lol, hurracane, glad you aren't mad at us
[23:42:07] <cuisinart8> XD
[23:42:11] <SleepingDuck> Quack!
[23:42:15] * Mr_Frog ( has joined
[23:42:15] * ChanServ gives voice to Mr_Frog
[23:42:24] <Talvieno> ayyyyyy, frog!
[23:42:22] <Mr_Frog> meep meep
[23:42:24] <cuisinart8> oh hey it's fister mrog
[23:42:25] <Taiya> froggo, Talvieno wanted me to tell you: "mr_frog, " ~~ added on Mar 10 2018
[23:42:27] <narwhalz0111_> o/
[23:42:28] <Mr_Frog> hi everyone
[23:42:29] <Hema> Frogman! o/
[23:42:31] <Hurracane> Mad? I could never be mad and you crazy guys! :)
[23:42:36] <Hurracane> at you*
[23:42:39] <TotallyNotHuman> gorF_rM o/
[23:42:50] <Mr_Frog> sometimes i wonder
Have a question? Send me a PM! || I have a Patreon page up for REKT now! || People talking in IRC over the past two hours: Image


Holy moly, I just saw the Drunkbele thread from March 3 and I cannot stop laughing.

Not in a mean way, but in a rueful "I have been there" way.

In fact, that looks like so much fun I'm thinking of trying it myself tonight.

I will bet you Drunkflat is a better IRC typist than Drunkbele. :lol:


We had an excellent discussion today on things actually related to science fiction! FTL travel, fusion, stealth in space, and more. Was a lot of fun. Narwhalz is working on a sci fi universe and we helped him along a bit (or tried to). :D This is noteworthy because we rarely talk about things that are science-fiction-related (with the exclusion of REKT).
Have a question? Send me a PM! || I have a Patreon page up for REKT now! || People talking in IRC over the past two hours: Image

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