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Re: Surviving Indie Development

Interesting Blog post

Here some parts where he noticed he was idling unproductively to increase productivity:
Instead of writing new code or playtesting the game I found myself spending more and more time refactoring code. If you’re not a programmer this basically amounts to moving chairs around – something everyone should probably consider at least a little bit but certainly not spend, you know, months on. But I did. I spent months doing this.
During this time I started to take on new hobby projects, like building my own custom CSS dark theme for the internet. I would make myself more productive by improving the environment around me. I’ve never liked staring at bright white screens, especially when you’re looking at a computer screen all night, every night, so I resolved to fix this by redesigning the look of the internet to suit my needs.

Eventually even this was unsuitable. The CSS editor itself was too primitive. I dug into the code which made up the editor itself, and redesigned it from a plain text black-and-white side panel to a semi-transparent mouseover window with full syntax highlighting. After a couple months of work on the CSS editor now nothing was going to stop me.

Re: Surviving Indie Development

My phone is fully locked down with Twilight and the oneplus night mode. I have no problem reading stuff with a light background in my bed at night and sleeping right after. I have more trouble reading pages/Apps with a dark background. For example I can't really read websites like ArsTechnica in bed without bumping up the brightness from the lowest setting.

On my PC on the other hand, I mostly use dark mode. I have no problem with reading pages using dark background, but it's mostly due to the higher brightness of my monitors. Still, I am using flux with the 2800k setting at night.
Laptop, I use light modes again, due to lower brightness settings of the display.

In the end, it would be great if I could just toggle dark mode everywhere ;)

Re: Surviving Indie Development

You can understand why my second thought after reading Jon Shafer's comments (my first being relief that he found a way through) was that I needed to connect his experience to Josh's.

Creative people who need independence and some solitude to do their work also need to let people in on their lives. If that means the occasional brief inconvenience, better that than to lose one's way.

I hope Josh's story also ultimately turns out well.

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