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An Idea That I have

Hello everyone!
I have an idea (My Idea, this is for your constructive criticism not your taking,unless josh wants it, then we can work it out, but it is mine, I will make the game!). The idea is that you are in a society that is governed by intellect, at the age of 21, you take a test, a very difficult test. if you are in the top 80 percentile of your age group you become a scientist or just someone that will generally benefit mankind. 50-80 percentile, you are given large amounts of land and you create the food supply, mainly plants and some livestock for other commodities such as milk or eggs. The ones that score in the lower 50 percentile are the labor force and test subjects used in experiments by the scientists. The scientists gain 2 humans every year, but can gain grants of humans. In this world they have not just been able to modify DNA to their will, but energy itself. Many years of researching went into the uses and controlling of energy, but it was very close to being mastered. 2 new teams of scientists were employed to create a being of energy. One of the teams in France, the other in Singapore (these are all subject to change, maybe at the LHC and area 51 8-) ). After many failed attempts by both teams they were able to create a being each. This being was quite human, but still not. The being was only half complete though. At random times he would pass out for unknown reasons. Though the scientists don't know it, the two beings are one, they are connected. Only one of the beings is able to have conciseness.

Ok that is the game back-story done :lol: , now for the actual back story! I have a friend named Cale, now Cale and I believe that Knowledge is the purpose of humanity, unlike my friend Rohan, who believes in building character. So at lunch (where the best ideas come from :D ) we were talking about different models of society that would allow for humans to gain the most scientific advantages and together we came up with the test and human grant system. The next parts of thier experimentation was from a friend Peyton, who

Re: An Idea That I have

is a gamer like all of us and I told him the idea. At first it was, you are one of the lowers and you escape, he said that was really cliche. He then came up with this energy story-line and the two connected beings. I though this was really good, and decided to get some ideas from you guys, hopefully, some of my potential buyers :D . So yeah any Ideas, concepts, powers, mechanics or ANYTHING, I want to hear it! This I want to be one of the games with mechanics that are really good and people go, WOW.

Mechanics, so what I currently have for mechanics is: self tinkering,
you are able to modify yourself, this I want to have a code side part of the game, YOU CODE THE POWERS
Also, the two beings are separate entities and will have different storylines. They might come together in the end, but they might not!

All support is HUGELY appreciated, Thank you greatly!


Re: An Idea That I have

There are a few issues:

You've told us a little something about the back story... But what will the game be about? How will you play it, what are the goals?

With a discovered genome and knowledge how to adjust DNA, there's no reason to have "less smart" people. People could be designed and bred on a as-needed basis. (Brave new world?)
I'm assuming this society makes extensive use of robotics? Why have a labour force if you can use robots? If energy is abundant enough, then robots really are no problem at all, they just need some maintenance. Though a sufficient advanced society can create robots that troubleshoot, repair or replace other robots. Or even have self-replicating robots. Energy really is the key to all this, and you say you have plenty.

Perhaps the mastering of energy could even mean that you don't need farms. Matter could just be materialised, not unlike on Star Trek.

It could be argued that the seeking of knowledge is a part of self improvement. Some might dedicate their life to making sure the food processed by robots gets delivered to the right areas. Others will take care of the energy needs, education, mental health, IT,... And still others will spend their time in labs or in front of powerful computers to research new fields or try to improve existing ones.
These people will do these things because they want to and love to, not because they're designed to (though this can still be a possibility. Utopia can be manufactured).
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

Re: An Idea That I have

I see, nice points, but the thing is, even though they could design scientists, there are still things such as lack of interest, some people just don't want to do it. The robots, as good as it would seem there is an obscure problem, this hit the researchers who were trying to make computers that could solve anything (I know one! :D ) and this is the "Frame problem" in short it says that "If you were to have a robot solve something, you would need to tell it everything about the problem and therefore everything about the universe" and that is one reason why that can't exist. You have a point with the food being materialized, but that does take away to some variation, you may have different species being materialized, but only one, theoretically you could have a computer with enough power to store the data of a carrot, for example, but it wouldn't be perfect every time. Also this view of society came to us trying to separate the populations, the uppers would be considered gods and the lowers wouldn't know when it was their turn, they don't know whats happening, they just do it.

(This is subject to change) you start out as a stable, almost perfect being, so you begin to do minor tasks for the scientists. You slowly grow unstable, one of the beings be comes angry and restless, while the other becomes more insane, seeing things that are not there. One of the scientists starts to become concerned and dies, this triggers something and it kills everyone working on you. You then try to find out why you are becoming unstable, and tinkering energy powers and code and you get it, can't wait to start!


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