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Re: Infinite Loop

Where: Moon

Date: Approx 13,000 years BC

Event: Information Pod is captured by the moon’s gravitational field

Occurrence: Information Pod’s lunar orbit decays and after a few years it collides with the surface of the moon
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Re: Infinite Loop

Time passes

10,000 BC – Jerico is established
8,000 BC – Cultivation of wheat and barley commences
5,000 BC – Invention of the wheel
3,500 BC – Writing is invented in Sumer
2,600 BC – Great Pyramid of Giza completed
500 BC – Advances in mathematics with the use of zero and binary numbering
4 BC – Birth of Jesus Christ
455 AD – Vandals sack Rome
1,020 AD –The Tale of Genji is written by Murasaki Shikibu
1,209 AD – The University of Cambridge is founded
1,698 AD – First commercially viable steam engine built
1,709 AD – Blast furnaces used to smelt iron
1783 AD – Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier create the first hot air balloon
1891 AD – Otto Lilienthal designs, constructs and flies gliders over long distances
1901 AD – Gustave Weißkopf (Whitehead) takes to the air in the first powered airplane
1903 AD – Orville Wright takes to the air in the Kitty Hawk Flyer
1939 AD – First functional jet powered airplane flies in Germany
1957 AD – Sputnik 1 orbits the earth
1961 AD – Yuri Gargarin becomes the first human in space
1969 AD – Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon
2000 AD – International Space Station occupied for the first time
2025 AD – International Space Station decommissioned
2035 AD – International Space Platform construction commences
2038 AD - International Space Platform construction completed
2043 AD – Remote Lunar Orbiter 23 departs Earth orbit for the Moon
Sorry, but your choice of avatar means I can't take anything you say seriously.

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